Friday, January 3, 2014

Windows8 Internet is working but Icon shows No internet Connection

Recently we have deployed Windows 8 and Windows 8.1Surface and Laptops. Everything is working fine but users complain they are able to get Internet ,but the Wifi Lan card showing exclamation mark. Means no Internet connection. Surprising issue. 

We have a setup like this, 
 From Windows users and Internet we have install ISA TMG2012 and Cisco Firewall. Every users behind the Microsoft ISA TMG Proxy and firewall. 
Working with Netmon tool found the is not authorized to connect Microsoft site. So we have to add “*” to the list of TMG trusted site. 

Here is the steps to add *” 

  • Open TMG Console .
  • Go Right Action Pan , Click on URL sets àSelect SEC –Allowed URLS àdouble click.

  • Click on Add and add this url * Apply and OK.  

After apply need to restart affected System ,I am sure Issue will  resolve.

If you are facing the same problem, allow * in your firewall, definitely your issue will resolve. 
If you feel it is good say thanks or comment. 
