Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Using MAP and ACT for Windows 7 installation or migration

When migrating to Windows 7 you don't know if hardware is capable for that. Microsoft released a few tools for that, so you know if it's ready for Windows 7. These tools are Microsoft Hardware Assessment and Planning Toolkit (MAP) and Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT). In this blogpost I will explain both tools and more tips and tricks also.

Microsoft Hardware Assessment and Planning Toolkit (MAP) is a tool that will help you prepare for a Windows 7 (or Office 2010) migration. It will help you inventory your hardware and verify that it's capable for that. MAP is an agentless, automated, multi-product planning and assessment tool for quicker and easier desktop and server migrations. Since there will be no agents installed, it uses WMI for inventory.

When starting inventory it's possible that Insufficient data is displayed. This because of non-existing objects or the're turned-off. It's possible also that firewall or WMI problems is the cause here. Most of times this can be found in the reports, which can be created. It will be saved as an Xlsx and Docx file. On the ClientAssessment tab (Xlsx) there will be errors like: Connection time out & Machine not found.

In Assessment Properties you can set custom settings for hardware requirements. That way you can decide yourself which hardware is ready for Windows 7 installation or migration. It can be used for other discoveries also. MAP can be download here: MAP v6.5

The Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT) is a tool for inventory and application compatibility. It's kind of same as MAP, but it's strenght is on the application compatibility side. Not on the inventory side (we use MAP for that). ACT helps identifying which applications are compatible with Windows 7 (and Vista) operating systems. ACT is actually a collection of multiple tools.

In ACT it's possible to create an Inventory package, which can be deployed by Group Policy. That way an ACT Data Collector Service will be installed, which will running as long as configured in the Inventory package. The ACT service will collect application compatibility data and will send the information back to the ACT database.

When application compatibility data is collected, check Send and Receive Data, and choose which data can be synced to Microsoft. In return you get compatibility information on all applications that other people have tested before. Now you have a list of all applications with Windows 7 compatibility information. ACT can be download here: ACT v5.6

With MAP and ACT usage it's possible to check for installation and migration information and application compatibility! Just use it for free.

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