Branding Components
Twice does Windows setup use an answer file to automate installation (“unattend.xml”); once during the initial SETUP.EXE phase, and once during the post-sysprep mini-setup phase. This is a critical component in complete branding as it includes native settings to handle much of the text-based configuration. It is also somewhat dynamic in that SCCM/MDT can update the unattend.xml during the build process with discovered information, thereby limiting the amount of additional scripting an administrator needs to do and resulting in a branding more tailored for the intended recipient. If you are not completely familiar with the unattend.xml and how it works, make sure you download the Windows 8 ADK so you have access to the Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM). Also ensure you are familiar with the different configuration passes Windows makes during setup so you can place information correctly. I’ll cover where you can use the unattend.xml within the following Areas of Branding, and when referencing the subcomponents therein, I’ll be using the placeholder “xxxxx” instead of the individual component’s “amd64″, “wow64″ or “x86″ descriptor; you will need to adjust to match your environment.Group Policy also plays a role, a minor and optional role, but one all the same. You can use Group Policies to change your branding from “default but changeable” to “mandatory” for your desktops. I’ll cover where you can implement Group Policy options when applicable.
Lastly, good old scripting. This is the workhorse for your branding efforts, and serves as the backbone of most deployment mechanisms. For almost every single configuration area, you’ll find yourself scripting a delivery method.
The Default User’s Profile
I will talk more about this in the upcoming sections, but in addition to branding over-all system areas, much of the branding happens within the user profile area. Because of this, it is important to understand what the “default user” (the non-existent user profile which forms the base for all future created user profiles) is. Different versions of Windows have had different methods of configuring this profile during a deployment scenario, but starting with Windows Vista, Microsoft focused on using the Local Administrator’s profile as the template. In a deployment, that profile is configured as desired prior to the mini-setup. It is not, however, the default behavior of Windows setup to use any template profile for the basis of future profiles. If you do not tell Windows specifically to do this, Windows will instead create a new generic profile based on settings found in a few different places. There is also only one way to tell Windows to use the local administrator’s profile as the default user template, and this is from the unattend.xml file.unattend.xmlMake sure this is set or you will have unexpected results with each new user.
4 specialize
• CopyProfile
The Native OS Registry
Many areas will require you to make changes to the native Windows registry, which isn’t immediately accessible when you are in WinPE. You can load these registry hives while in WinPE using the REG command. The two files you will need are:- The native HKLM SOFTWARE hive:
?:\Windows\System32\Config\SOFTWARE - The default user HKU hive:
Be aware that there are areas of customization not available or used if configured until Windows is activated. Those areas are noted in the following sections.Areas Of Branding
There are five areas of branding available to you in Windows 8:Registered Organization
With little exception, any time you manually install Windows or any application, they ask you for the Owner and Company name. When configured for Windows, this information serves as the default information for not only future application installations, but any time a user or company name is required. There are two locations to set organization information, one being the general Windows configuration, and the second being the IE configuration. Even if you’re not using IE as your desktop’s primary browser, its full integration with the OS means that many built-in components and third party applications will pull information from the IE settings so it is best to include the information there. This area also includes a generic Home Page URL location. It is a bit of a throw-back to the old days of single-windowed browsing, and most multi-tabbed browsers allow you to set multiple home pages, but this can still serve as go-to information for some components and is a good place to put your corporate support URL.Configuration via Unattend.xml
This is the preferred and cleanest method for setting the information, and for the general Windows owner and company information, it can be set within the Generalize, Specialize, and OobeSystem sections, as appropriate for when you are applying your unattend.xml.unattend.xml
4 specialize
• CompanyName
• Home_Page
• RegisteredOrganization
• RegisteredOwner
Configuration via Direct Registry Edit
Depending on your desktop deployment build process, you may find it preferable to set this information via a direct registry edit.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\WIN8LM\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\UnattendBackup\ActiveSetup\CompanyName
• CompanyName (REG_SZ)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\WIN8LM\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\UnattendBackup\ActiveSetup\Home_Page
• Home_Page (REG_SZ)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\WIN8LM\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
• RegisteredOrganization (REG_SZ)
• RegisteredOwner (REG_SZ)
OEM Information
Configuration via Unattend.xml
This is the preferred and cleanest method for setting the information. There are a few items to note here. First, do not set HelpCustomized (or set it to False) or you will wind up with the “Help Customized” configuration as described above. Second, the Logo field needs a full path and file name to your corporate image (see “Required File System Changes” below). This can be either a hard coded path (e.g., “C:\Windows\…“) or an variable coded path (e.g., “%WinDir%\…“). The remaining fields are written without validation, so anything you add to the fields will be displayed as-is, with the exception of SupportURL which will become the link’s target.unattend.xml
4 specialize
• HelpCustomized
• Logo
• Manufacturer
• Model
• SupportHours
• SupportPhone
• SupportURL
Configuration via Direct Registry Edit
Depending on your desktop deployment build process, you may find it preferable to set this information via a direct registry edit. The same rules that govern the HelpCustomized and Logo entries within the unattend.xml apply to the direct registry placement.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\WIN8LM\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
• Manufacturer (REG_SZ)
• Model (REG_SZ)
• SupportHours (REG_SZ)
• SupportURL (REG_SZ)
• HelpCustomized (REG_DWORD)
Required File System Changes
Regardless of how you set this information, you will need to include your corporate logo. This image is a 120×120 pixel 32-bit depth BMP file. Although the file can be named and placed anywhere on your local system, there is a 259 character limit to the path and name, so best practices has you storing it in the following location:?:\Windows\System32\oobe\info\info.bmp
You can find more information on the OEMInformation configuration on TechNet.
Lock Screen
Image Configuration
Regardless of approach, the images used are the same. Unless you have an extremely homogeneous environment, you will be deploying your desktop image to multiple hardware platforms, and each platform will have different default resolution. You want your image to look correctly scaled on any resolution it is displayed on, and as such, you will need to create an separate image file for each resolution within your environment. I recommend you start with a “master” image, at a resolution of 1900×1200 pixels, and save this as a JPG file no larger than 256kb. Then for each target platform’s resolution, rework your master image to the new resolution and save it as a new file, again as a JPG and no larger than 256kb.
Common Monitor Resolutions
• 900×1440
• 960×1280
• 1024×768
• 1024×1280
• 1280×768
• 1280×800
• 1280×1024
• 1360×768
• 1366×768
• 1440×900
• 1600×1200
• 1920×1080
• 1920×1200
• 900×1440
• 960×1280
• 1024×768
• 1024×1280
• 1280×768
• 1280×800
• 1280×1024
• 1360×768
• 1366×768
• 1440×900
• 1600×1200
• 1920×1080
• 1920×1200
One final design consideration for the image is the overall background color. Windows uses a white text, so if your image has too light a background, it will be difficult to see the clock/date displayed when the unit is locked.
OEM Approach
This approach involves talking all your scaled images and dropping them into a system folder. Windows will automatically pick the best resolution image as the display resolution changes, using a default image if a matching resolution image is not found.With a copy of all your master images, rename each one to fit the pattern of backgroundWidthxHeight.jpg where Width and Height are replaced with the resolution dimensions (e.g., background1024x768.jpg). Pick one of the images (typically the largest resolution or the one that will scale best if you have not provided an exact match resolution image) and copy it to a new file named backgroundDefault.jpg. Copy all those files to the following location:
After this, you need to update the native registry to instruct Windows to use the OEMBackground:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\WIN8LM\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\BackgroundYou can lock this down by using Group Policy as well:
• OEMBackground=1 (REG_DWORD)
Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Logon
“Always use custom logon background”
Default User Approach
This approach involves taking all your scaled images and dropping them into a user-specific system folder. Windows will automatically search that folder for the file that matches the currently set resolution of the system. If it doesn’t find the file, a solid color is displayed instead.With a copy of all your master images, rename each one to fit the pattern of LockScreen___Width_Height.jpg (three underscores after LockScreen) where Width and Height are replaced with the resolution dimensions of the image (e.g., LockScreen___1900x1200.jpg), but padded to be 4 digits long (i.e., if your image is 1024×768, the file name is LockScreen___1024x0768.jpg). Unlike the OEM methods, you do not need to create a default image. Create the folder structure listed below and copy all your files into it.
Quick side note. Technically speaking, only one file, the one matching the current resolution, is needed within the LockScreen_Z folder. Windows isn’t enumerating all the files in the folder, only looking for a file named after the resolution currently active. But as these files are small, dumping all of them in does no harm and save you discovery and automation work. Second, each time the display resolution changes, Windows creates a new folder under the …\ReadOnly subfolder patterned as LockScreen_? where the question mark is replace by a single letter starting with Z and descending to A. If you have users that change resolution often, such as the case with a swivel monitor, you might consider pre-creating the LockScreen_Y as well and populating it with the correct resolution files.
Because “S-1-5-18” is the static SID for the Local Administrator’s account, this becomes a user-system folder and helps form the “default user profile”. No registry configurations are needed for this section.
Alternative User Images
Unless locked down by Group Policy, users can change their lock screen once Windows is activated. If they choose to do this, they are given a default selection of 5 images and allowed to upload their own. This also provides an additional area for corporate branding, providing alternative corporate images to the default one you have implemented.?:\Windows\Web\Screen
This is the folder location that contains the images. These can be either JPG or PNG images, at a size which will scale down well (1900×1200), and at any file size (they do not adhere to the 256kb limit). These files have a specific naming convention, starting with “IMG”, followed by a number starting at 100, and ending with the correct file extension. Windows will start with IMG100 and ascend until all sequential images are displayed.
Using Group Policy to Disable Lock Screen Changes
If desired, you can restrict users from changing their background image via Group Policy. This setting has no configuration options other than Enabled or Disabled/Not Configured.Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Control Panel\Personalization
“Prevent changing lock screen image”
Using Group Policy to Force a Specific Lock Screen Image
[Update: 12/20/12] The "Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 cumulative update: November 2012", which is comprised of several patches and updates (KB 2770917) introduced the ability to force a specific image for the Lock Screen. This image can be a local or network share image. Microsoft recommends a Dfs share for a network image for redundancy, but this obviously limits you to a single image for all display resolutions. If you select a local file, although all units will point to the same local file, you can point to a common-named image that is specifically placed on the local computer that matches that unit's display resolution, exactly as you would do with the defaultBackground.jpg image in the OEM Approach (if you take that approach, you could specify that file within the Group Policy).Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Control Panel\Personalization
"Force a specific default lock screen image"
Start Screen
The Start Screen is simply a solid color with an “accent” patterned overlaying it; nothing more, there is no “image”. Software you see that promises to use a custom image are performing a trick by which they are displaying an image over the solid background but under the tiles; it is not actually there, it only is visible while the utility is running, and the utility must be run on each user logon. What you can change is the solid color and the accent image.
Microsoft provides 24 stock color schemes you can use. These corresponds to the image bar below. Please not that regardless of which method you use to set this, you need to use the decimal value; the registry will have a default view of the HEX value.The desired method of changing this is using the unattend.xml:
unattend.xmlThis can also be set via the registry. Note that this is set at a per-user level, so you are updating the default user profile.
7 oobeSystem
• SystemDefaultBackgroundColor
• ColorSet_Version3 (REG_DWORD)
The Accent Overlay
Microsoft provides 19 overlays, and a “no overlay” option for just a solid color background. Changing the color scheme does not change the accent overlay colors. You cannot alter the overlays or add any of your own. At this time, the only method of changing the accent overlay is via the registry. Note that this is a per-user setting.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\WIN8U\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AccentThe value will match the following values, shown in their decimal form.
• AccentId_v8.00 (REG_DWORD)
Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Desktop Window ManagerOne thing to note is that regardless of your direct registry selection, the accent overlay change will not take affect until Windows is activated.
“Use solid color for Start background”
Locking the Start Background
As noted above, you can set the color via unattend.xml or the registry, and the accent overlay only via the registry. But you can lock users from changing the color scheme and overlay via group policy:Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Control Panel\PersonalizationInterestingly enough, this just removes the graphical ability; any user with registry access can change the value and subsequently the color and accent.
“Prevent changing start menu background”
Unlike the Lock Screen where you used all the images, for the desktop you only use one. That image must match your target’s display resolution as Windows will not scale it, and it must match the file format and size as you are replacing system files.
Windows 8 uses a single default desktop background image for all profiles. That file is called img0.jpg and is in several places on your local computer. Because this is a system file, you must change it in not only the easy to find location, but any system file backup location. The system file backup location is in a subfolder under ?:\Windows\winsxs and is cryptically named to meet the Windows CPU platform, Windows component, and service pack version. This means that it can vary from computer to computer. An example of found locations would be as below, where the first path is the easy one, and the second is the system backup.
Because of this, it is best to not attempt a direct replacement, but rather query your local file system and update as found. A quick WMI query to return the locations is as follows:
SELECT Path FROM CIM_DataFile WHERE FileName=”img0” AND Extension=”jpg” and Drive=”?:”
The update process is as follows: Query your local system for each instance of img0.jpg. For each instance found, take your correctly sized image, rename it to img0.jpg, and replace the native file.
Locking the Desktop Wallpaper
You can lock users out of changing the desktop wallpaper via Group Policy:User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Control Panel\Personalization
“Prevent changing desktop background”
Account Profile
The two figures to the right show two versions of the Account Picture. Figure: Profile Large shows the image as it appears on the lock screen, while Figure: Profile Small shows it as it appears on the Start Screen. Although a user is unable to change their account picture until Windows is activated, you can set the default images displayed ahead of time.
If you do use the GUI to change the account picture, Windows will create scaled images to match the display need. This can result in the single image looking incorrect at one of the scaled sized. As you can see from the figures however, you are not actually bound to a single account picture.
Three images are used by Windows for the default Account Pictures. These image default as all PNG files at a depth of 32-bit. Although not immediately clear when interacting with Windows, the three sizes are 448×448 pixels, 200×200 pixels, and 40×40 pixels. Figure: Profile Large, although displayed at logon and when you are personalizing the profile is at a 200×200 pixel size, it is actually 448×448 pixels and subsequently scaled down. Figure: Profile Small is actually the 40×40 pixels image. Create your master images to match as follows:
File Name | File Type | Diminsions | Bit Depth |
GUEST.BMP | Bitmap | 488×488 | 32-bit |
GUEST.PNG | PNG | 488×488 | 32-bit |
USER.BMP | Bitmap | 488×488 | 32-bit |
USER.PNG | PNG | 488×488 | 32-bit |
USER-200.PNG | PNG | 200×200 | 32-bit |
USER-40.PNG | PNG | 40×40 | 32-bit |
?:\ProgramData\Microsoft\User Account Pictures
Therefore, as with the Desktop image, a query/replace approach is best:
SELECT Path FROM CIM_DataFile WHERE FileName=”[filename]” AND Extension=”png” and Drive=”?:”
Where [filename] is replaced with “USER”, “GUEST”, “USER-200″ and “USER-40″ in succession. This leaves you with the two BMP files, which you place into the ..\User Account Pictures directory, overwriting the images currently there.
Locking the Account Picture
As with other sections, you can user Group Policy to keep users from changing their account pictures.User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Control Panel\User Accounts
“Apply the default account picture to all users”
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